Fresh Bread Text Alerts
How It Works
Sign Up for Text Alerts
Stay in the loop by signing up for our SMS notifications. Twice a week, we’ll send a text message 2–3 days before we fire up the oven, letting you know what’s on the menu and when it’ll be ready. -
Place Your Pre-Order
Once you receive the alert, simply confirm your order via TEXT to reserve your bread. This ensures that you get your loaf, baked fresh and ready for pick-up. -
Pick Up Your Fresh Bread
On baking day, swing by and pick up your order! Because we bake in a traditional outdoor brick oven, our schedule may vary depending on weather conditions, but we’ll always keep you updated.
Why Pre-Orders?
We believe in baking bread the way it’s meant to be - fresh, natural, and free of additives or chemicals. Pre-ordering allows us to bake only what’s needed, ensuring every loaf is as fresh as possible and reducing food waste.
Sign Up Today!
Don’t miss out on Albuquerque’s freshest bread and be part of the Sherwood Coffee 'n' Bread community. Whether it’s our signature baguettes, hearty country loaves, or specialty flatbreads, you’ll always know what’s coming out of the oven next.
If you have any questions about our bread, the baking process, or pick-up times, feel free to contact us. We’re happy to help!